The Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union, at its 8th Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa from 29-30 January 2007 decided that the next ordinary session of the Assembly to be held in Accra, Ghana in July 2007, will be devoted to a “Grand Debate on the Union Government”. This decision is inspired by the fact that Africa now needs a Union of the African people and not merely a Union of states and governments and that ‘the ultimate goal of the African Union is the political and economic integration of the continent leading to the creation of the United States of Africa’.
Having this in mind, the Assembly of Heads of States, in compliance with the policy of popular participation through civil society endeavours requested Member States of the African Union to carry out the necessary national consultations within their countries on the Grand Debate on the Union Government. It is for this reason that AFRICAphonie-Cameroon under the auspices of the African Civil Society Organisation is putting the following questions to you:
I was trying to add your RSS feed to my reader, but it didn't work. =/ Any ideas on other ways to subscribe to your site?
Posted by: filipina | February 04, 2010 at 02:17 PM
A united Africa is very important. Although it may seem like Africa is finally and completely free from colonialism, we're not.
The imperial powers are still using their influence combined with our dividedness to keep us impoverished as long as they can. Part of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)'s job is to instigate conflicts between nations. By using the classic divide and conquer techniques, the Superpowers are weening off possible threat to their goal of global domination. They are so good at this however that you will not even notice that they are involved. The CIA is the most advanced intelligence agency on earth.
They know every about every tribe on the planet. That is their job. They will trigger these conflicts in ways you would never expect. And they would never leave a trace.
And that my friends is how the US plans to stay the world super power.
So think about it. And think about AIDs, it's the agenda of "depopulation of africa", and "eugenics". Very scary times we live in my friends. Do your research.
Posted by: Gadi | June 11, 2007 at 04:02 PM