The Winners of the of the 2015 Investigative Journalism Awards of the British High Commission have been announced.
The first prize went to Mr. Snowsel Ano Ebie of CRTV, second prize to Mr. Amindeh Blaise Atabong of the Guardian Post Newspaper and third prize to Mr. Eugene Ndiboti Nforngwa of the Standard Tribune and Mr. Moki Edwin Kindzeka of CRTV.
The jury offered a special prize to the only Television entry submitted by Ms. Mimi Mefo, of Equinox TV. A special prize was also awarded to Ms. Elizabeth Enanga Mokake Epse Mafany for the best female entry, and to Mr. Pierre Celestin Atangana of Le Quoutidien Mutations for the best Francophone entry.
The 2015 competition was implemented by AFRICAphonie-Cameroon.
Here is the complete list of winners by order of merit.
Photo of winners courtesy of the UK in Cameroon Facebook page.